Motorcycle safety tips you should know

A lot of people enjoy the thrill and exhilarating adventure of riding a motorcycle. In fact, a little over 620,000 people are registered motorcycle drivers in the state of Florida. However, riding a motorcycle also poses significant risks. Motorcycle riders are more vulnerable to accidents than drivers of other vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycle accident fatalities have increased by 9% since 2010 and 95% of those accidents were due to the use of alcohol.

Demesmin and Dover’s motorcycle safety tips

Due to the fact that motorcycle accidents being so prevalent, our accident attorneys have compiled a list of tips to help keep riders safe. So before you hit the road check out these tips.

Tip #1 Take a safety course

Taking a safety course will teach you the road rules for a motorcycle as well as some actions you can take if a situation arises. Driving a motorcycle is a serious task that involves good judgment and skill to drive. This course is also a great place to practice before fully getting out on the road.

Tip #2 Check the weather before you go for a ride


If you are riding a bike, it’s important to know the weather forecast for the day. Not only so you don’t get wet but also so you know the condition of the road. Bad weather conditions make visibility much more difficult. Therefore, it is probably a better decision to choose a different day to ride than to risk bad road conditions. .

Tip #3 Wear the proper gear to ride


There is gear you can wear to ensure you are protected from things like debris and road rash. You want to choose a full-face helmet that is certified by the Department of Transportation and fits you properly. These types of helmets have been proven to reduce the number of motorcycle accident fatalities by 37%. You may also want to try boots, a long jacket, pants and gloves as well.

Tip #4 Check your bike regularly


Ensuring your lights, tire pressure, and mirrors are working properly before taking a trip out is important. You want to make sure there are no loose bolts, leaks, or mechanical hazards. You also need to be diligent about care for the vehicle, meaning regular oil changes, chain and suspension adjustments, brake pads, and tire wear and tear.

Tip #5 Abide by all traffic rules

Of course, this one seems obvious, but it is extremely important on a motorcycle. This means paying attention to speed limits and road signs extremely carefully. Not to mention just because certain actions are legal in some states for motorcycle riders doesn’t mean it is the same in all states, for example, lane splitting.

Tip #6 Watch out for any hazards on the road


Due to the fact you are on a motorcycle, you deal with the fact that you have less visibility, and can run into problems more easily. Small things on the road like oil, a bit of gravel, or a pothole can make you lose traction.

Tip #7 Maintain a safe distance from other cars and motorcycles on the road 


If you maintain a safe distance away from cars and other vehicles, you have less of a chance to run into an accident. Also, it gives you enough time to stop when you need to. It is always smart to have room for an escape route out of the path of danger if need be, such as the shoulder of the road when on a motorcycle.

Tip #8 Select the right motorcycle for you


This may seem like a strange point to make, but it is important to find a bike that suits your needs. Things like if the bike’s power is important, then you may need something that is lighter in weight. You also want to ensure that the bike is not too large for you and that it is just the right size for your needs.

What should I do if I got into a motorcycle accident?

While we hope that these tips will help you avoid motorcycle accidents, we do understand that sometimes these things do happen. If you should need an experienced personal injury attorney, call us at Demesmin and Dover law firm at 866-954-MORE (6673). We will help you learn about your legal options during your free consultation

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